Hi! I am Ashley Morgan and I am really new to this whole blogging thing, so I thought I would write a post to let everyone know a little bit about me. If you have spent time on my blog, then you have probably figured out that I am a nurse, I am allergic to gluten, and that I recently got married. What else could you possibly want to know? Well, here are 10 more things about me! 

couple on honeymoon in Bora Bora

I talk really fast. Like…faster than the Gilmore Girls fast….the people closest to me can understand my fast-talking self about 95% of the time, but I try really hard to slow down around other people. I’ll be honest though, I am really bad at the whole slowing down thing. I really don’t mind when people ask me to slow down because I really have zero clue that I am talking too fast!

I married my high school sweetheart. At my high school, we could take Drivers Ed in 2 weeks in the summer. My 16th birthday was between my sophomore and junior year and his birthday was going to be early in his sophomore year, so we both ended up in summer Drivers Ed. Thank goodness! We became good friends soon after that. We talked all the time but didn’t start dating until we went to prom together at the end of my senior year and his junior year. We dated all through college, and got married in 2019 right before he finished up grad school! I love our story and I wouldn’t change one thing about it! 

married couple

I am an only child. I loved being an only child growing up because I wouldn’t be who I am today if I had siblings. I was lucky and grew up with two “fake” sisters next door, so it wasn’t lonely at all and I learned to share and play with them! Now I am married and inherited a brother and sister! Woohoo! 

I went to Auburn University. War Eagle! I majored in nursing at Auburn and loved all of it! (Okay maybe not ALL of nursing school.) I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else, and there is definitely no way I would be starting this blog without the people I met and the experiences I had during those four years. My experience at Auburn led me to learn so much about leadership, responsibility, and communication skills. I am a firm believer that some of the most important lessons you learn in college occur outside of the classroom (even though the classroom stuff is really important too). 


I am really short. I’m 4’11” and I love it…most of the time. Most people assume I hate being so short, but really it has become a part of who I am and something that makes me stand out from others. The only time I don’t like it is when I am shopping…but the good news is I’m besties with my alterations lady and she can fix just about anything.

I am on-time 99% of the time. I hate being late. Most of my anxiety in life comes from worrying that I am going to be late or realizing I’m actually going to be late and freaking out. 

I am a Christian. I was lucky enough to grow up in a family where I went to church weekly and became super involved with my youth group. I made some great friends at my church and I can’t wait to get settled into a new church very soon! Do you have any suggestions for churches in Chicago? Let me know! 

I was a ballet dancer growing up. I danced 6 days a week and I loved it. I loved that routine as well as all my friends that I danced with. Dancing gave me so many things in and outside of the dance studio. One thing that I took away from dancing is that because it took up a lot of time, it gave me great prioritization skills that I’m using daily throughout my life. 

I am a pediatric RN. I graduated in 2016 with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Auburn University and immediately started on a pulmonary unit at a children’s hospital. One of my favorite things about being a nurse was always looking for ways to make my patients’ days a little brighter. I am currently in-between nursing jobs (marriage, moving, potentially moving again makes it hard to work), but I am so excited to see where I end up for my next job!

pediatric nurses

I love coffee but coffee doesn’t love me. I really do love coffee. I love drinking coffee, I love getting coffee with friends, but I don’t love what coffee does to me. Coffee makes me SO jittery. Like can’t function correctly jittery. Decaf is better, but even that sometimes makes me not feel so great. Thankfully, I LOVE tea and tea DOES love me! My go-to drink at Starbucks is a Matcha Lemonade (seriously try it), and I am currently on a London Fog kick. Does coffee make you super jittery? What do you like to drink? Let me know in the comments below! 

I love getting to know people, and I hope you have gotten to know me! I would love it if you left a couple of facts about you in the comments so I can get to know you too!

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